Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - Ohio Chapter


"In a government by the People and for the People, it is to the People that accountability must be enforced. With the passage of J.A.I.L. accountability to the People in mass will be achieved by Special Grand Juries dedicated to this purpose. These People, who are not officers of any other branch of government or members of the Bar, will be publicly drawn by lottery for limited terms. Complaints will come before them only after every other legal remedy has been attempted. They shall have the power to strip those judges of their protection of judicial immunity who are the subject of complaints for criminal acts, and to investigate, indict, and initiate criminal prosecution of wayward judges. This system of special grand juries will be an irrevocable return to an era before 1960 when grand juries did have this authority."

Ron Branson, JAILer-In-Chief J.A.I.L.4Judges
P.O. Box 207
North Hollywood, California 91603


To learn more about the JAIL4Judges group or to work toward the passage of the J.A.I.L. legislation for your county please email  Brett Kraft, Ohio JAILer-In-Chief.



House Bill 350 was passed earlier this year and contained legislation to enhance elections in Ohio. Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and her legislative staff worked with the General Assembly to propose a variety of enhancements to the system in Ohio.


Special Grand Juries

Enforcing judicial accountability is to strip the judges found to go afoul of the law of their judicial immunity and bring them before citizen grand juries.  The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) will provide: 

Special grand juries chosen by lottery to hear judicial misconduct.  The members of these grand juries will not hold office nor be attorneys and will seve for limited terms.   

They will hear complaints only after every legal remedy has been attempted.  Speical grand juries will hear complaints against judges who are the subject of complaints for criminal acts, and to investigate, indict, and initiate criminal prosecution of arbitrary and wayward judges.

Removing judges from the bench when found to run afoul of the law with a special "three strikes" provision in the state or federal consitution against these judges.

Ohio J.A.I.L.

Immunity.  Notwithstanding common law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shall be extended to any judge of this State except as is specifically set forth in this Amendment. Preserving the purpose of protecting judges from frivolous and harassing actions, no immunity shielding a judge shall be construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of Ohio or the United States.


J.A.I.L. Initiative

Read the Ohio J.A.I.L. Initiative

Federal Judicial   Accountability & Integrity Legislation (J.A.I.L.)       

Contact Ohio J.A.I.L.

Summit County J.A.I.L. Site

JAIL Library

Contact National J.A.I.L.


Elected officials can be contacted at the following sites:

Ohio's codes are located at codes.ohio.gov and the remaining laws within the state are located in a searchable state constitution.  


County Commissioners Association of Ohio

37 West Broad Street, Suite 650
Columbus, OH 43215-4195
Phone: (614)221-5627
Fax: (614)221-6986
Home Page: http://www.ccao.org

Procedure for an Initiated Constitutional Amendment

Note: This procedural outline is not designed to be relied upon as the sole source of information. Petitioners must comply with all applicable sections of the Ohio Constitution and the Ohio Revised Code. Petitioners are encouraged to seek legal counsel

(Ohio Const. Art. II, sections 1, 1a, and 1g; Art. XVI, sec. 1; R.C. 3501.05, 3501.38, 3501.381, 3501.382, 3503.06, 3513.10; R.C. Chapter 3519.)
PURPOSE An initiative petition may propose to amend the Ohio Constitution. A proposed amendment becomes effective if approved by the majority of voters voting on the proposed amendment.
Committee for Petitioners
(R.C. 3519.02)
Petitioners designate a committee of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) persons to represent them in all matters relating to the petition.
Initial Filing With Attorney General & Secretary of State
(R.C. 3501.05, 3519.01, 3519.05)
Written petition signed by 1000 electors must be submitted to the Attorney General with the full text and summary of the proposed amendment. The Attorney General certifies if, in his opinion, the summary is a fair and truthful statement of the proposed amendment. The Attorney General must forward the petition to the Ohio Ballot Board for its approval. If the Ohio Ballot Board certifies the petition, a verified copy of the constitutional amendment, together with its summary and Attorney General's certification must then be filed with the Secretary of State by the Attorney General. 
Petition To Be Circulated
(Art. II, sec.1g; R.C. 3501.38, 3501.381, 3501.382, 3503.06, 3519.05)

Petitioners draw up the petition. It may be made up of part-petitions, but all separate petitions shall be filed at one time as one instrument. Each part-petition must have a copy of the title and full text of the proposed amendment.

Circulator must be Ohio resident. Form 15 must be filed with Secretary of State prior to circulating petition if an entity or an individual is being compensated for supervising, managing or otherwise organizing any effort to obtain signatures.

Signature Requirements
(Art. II, sec. 1a, R.C. 3519.14)
The total number of signatures on the petition must equal at least ten percent (10%) of the total vote cast for the office of governor at the last gubernatorial election. The Secretary of State may not accept for filing any initiative petition which does not purport to contain at least the minimum number of signatures required.
Signature Distribution
(Art. II, sec.1g; R.C. 3519.14)
The signatures must have been obtained from at least 44 of the 88 counties of the state. From each of these 44 counties, there must be signatures equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total vote cast for the office of governor in that county at the last gubernatorial election.
Filing Fee
(R.C. 3513.10)
Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to be paid at the time of filing.
Signature Verification
(R.C. 3519.10)
Each signer must be a qualified elector of the state. Each part-petition must contain signatures of electors of only one county. If a part-petition contains signatures of more than one county, the Secretary of State determines the county from which the majority of signatures came from, and only signatures from that county will be counted.
Alteration after Filing
(R.C. 3501.38)
Signatures may not be withdrawn after part-petitions are filed with the Secretary of State.
Filing Deadline
(Art. II, sec. 1a; R.C. 3501.05)
The petition must be filed with the Secretary of State not later than ninety (90) days prior to the general election at which the amendment is to be submitted.
Supplemental Petitions
(Art. II, sec. 1g)
The petition and signatures on such petition shall be presumed to be in all respects sufficient, unless not later than forty (40) days before the election, it shall be otherwise proved, and in such event ten (10) additional days shall be allowed for the filing of additional signatures.
(Art. II, sec. 1g; Art. XVI, sec. 1; R.C. 3519.03)

The committee named on the petition may prepare and file an argument and/or explanation in favor of the amendment not later than the eighth (80th) day before the date of the election with the Secretary of State.

If the committee fails to prepare or timely file the argument and/or explanation, the Secretary of State shall notify the Ohio Ballot Board. The Ohio Ballot Board shall prepare or designate a group to prepare the argument and/or explanation. The argument and/or explanation must be filed with the Secretary of State not later than seventy-five (75) days before the election.

The argument and/or explanation in favor of the law or section of law being referred is prepared by persons named by the General Assembly, if in session, or if not in session, by the Governor. The argument and/or explanation must be filed with the Secretary of State not later than seventy-five (75) days before the election.

The arguments and/or explanations may not exceed 300 words.

Effective Date Any amendment approved by the majority of voters is effective thirty (30) days after the election.












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