Learning A Lesson
(Pay or Perish!)
     I'm onto a guy that died up in New Hampshire while in jail for failure to appear at a child support hearing.  I'm sorting out the particulars as to whether there is a law supporting his arrest or not.
Wilbur (Latter)

    I spoke to the ex-wife this morning. Mrs. Armstrong tells me that Brian cared for and loved his son, seeing him every week.  She also said that the only reason that he didn't pay was because he couldn't, he was out of work. She also told me that she hasn't been able to tell her son that daddy is gone.  She has been making up excuses, because she can't tell him that daddy is dead.
    She confirmed that he was arrested for failing to appear at a child support hearing.  (As I myself have suffered).  I explained how there probably wasn't a law supporting his arrest in the first place for failing to appear in front of a hearing officer.  She gave me the number of the attorney that she has representing her suing over the death.
    She also told me that the State Attorney General's office called on Wednesday saying that they have the autopsy, but then hasn't supplied it to her or her lawyer since then.  The stories about the guy being bruised all over his body don't match the story the state is trying to put out that he died because he's an alcoholic.  Mrs. Armstrong's response was "yeah sure, tell me another one." when she told me about it.