Ron,    My father and I are 100% backers of JAIL.  We're revising the initiative to accommodate Arkansas law.  We've contacted a statewide group that is at present circulating a petition to abolish the property tax in this state.  They received JAIL favorably, but did not want to take on additional issues at this time.  I tried to impress upon them the importance of JAIL.  If we had a functional judicial system in this country, 99% of our problems could be easily solved. ...    In 1995, my real property was seized by the IRS and sold to persons in Little Rock, Arkansas who subsequently filed a "quiet title" action in our local Chancery Court.  I had placed all of the law and facts exposing the fraud into the court record, and I argued the same issues in open court in the fall of 1999.  The Chancellor would not hear the law or facts that I presented in open court, nor would he give any consideration to the law and facts in the record.  He pretty much crippled my defense to this quiet title action.  He summarily granted the plaintiffs in my case a decree quieting title in their favor.  I'm presently appealing to the Arkansas Court of Appeals.  I have also sought a remedy for the fraud, constitutional rights violations, and irreparable damages done to me by the IRS criminals and their co-conspirators in the federal courts.  Again, the law and facts that I placed into the record was never responded to by the federal and county miscreants, and my case was summarily dismissed with buzzwords and legalese that did not rebut, refute, or respond in any way to my various claims.  I appealed to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, and I received virtually the same response favoring the IRS, plus an additional gift of $5000.00 in sanctions for filing a frivolous appeal.  I am presently petitioning for a rehearing in banc.    I am sure that this sounds very familiar to anyone with similar experience.  The IRS is a very sacrosanct entity to the court system.  My lawsuits have been fundamentally very simple.  ....    I will fight as long as there is a forum available to me.  All I want is a fair hearing.  By the way, all federal law, especially Title 26 of the United States Code, state law, and both state and federal Constitutions overwhelmingly support my claims.  Also, I have pursued a criminal complaint against the IRS criminals.  The United States Attorney in Little Rock would not consider it, neither would the  United States District Court, so I have a mandamus action in the Eighth Circuit at this time.    Do I want JAIL?  Do I believe JAIL will solve our problems?  Do I believe JAIL is our only hope?  To all of these questions I answer YES!, YES!, and YES!  ...  I will do anything to promote JAIL in this state or any state.  I want to form a JAIL chapter in Arkansas, and do anything to make JAIL a reality.  Thank you for your efforts, Ron, I think you have hit the nail on the head with this issue. John Searcy[email protected]