The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law

J. A. I. L.

J.A.I.L. is making a difference!

Our goal is to first take South Dakota by storm, then the other states by fall-out. What begins in South Dakota sweeps the nation. By pressure of the other states, we shall create and call for federal judicial accountability.

J.A.I.L. will be the next shot heard 'round the world. All governments shall stand up and take notice. Every state will then review its judicial accountability process.

J.A.I.L. is Powerful! J.A.I.L. is Dynamic! J.A.I.L. is totally in the hands of the People!

It is accountable to no governmental body. Its edicts are enforceable by the People, and no government can stand in its way. Yes, and it is 100% legal! Let's start the fire in California that will burn through every state and take the nation. Let us all focus our aim, hang together, and accomplish one great thing for ourselves, our country, and our posterity: Freedom!!!

Ron Branson
Ron Branson

Executive Summary

J.A.I.L. is a proposed amendment to the California Constitution as a check against judicial misconduct and abuse of power.

The initiative creates three statewide Special Grand Juries in California for the sole purpose of investigating complaints against judges.

The Special Grand Juries will have the power to sanction judges by levying fines and forfeitures against them; and for third-time offenses, removal from the bench.

The Special Grand Juries will also have the power to indict judges and subject them to criminal proceedings before special trial juries who may sentence as well as convict the offending judge.


JAILers! Listen Up!

J.A.I.L.4Judges is

Virginia Attorney Linda L. Kennedy,
hosts Hot Seat For Judges
on Crusade Radio
Saturday afternoons at:
1:00 PM Pacific Coast Time
4:00 PM East Coast Time

Judicial Reform and On-Air questions
are the content of Kennedy's program.

You may need to download
Real Player or Winamp to listen.

For additional info, contact
Attorney Linda L. Kennedy
Virginia JAIL4Judges
[email protected]


When J.A.I.L. Becomes Law, Corrupt Judges Will:

Be subjected to civil suit

Be removed from the bench!

Be prosecuted criminally!

Serve time in prison!