Subject: * * * The Wick Has Been Lit and The Explosion is Forthcoming * * *
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 12:10:46 -0800
To: ""

J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                           December 23, 2022

The Inherent Right of ALL People to Alter or Reform Their Government
The Right Upon Which All Other Rights Depend
J.A.I.L. will be on the 2006 ballot in South Dakota
as "Constitutional Amendment E"
P.O. Box 412, Tea, S.D. 57064  -  (605) 231-1418
The Wick Has Been Lit and The Explosion Is Forthcoming
By Ron Branson, Author/Founder of J.A.I.L.
It's now official! The South Dakota Secretary of State has ceased counting the number of signatures turned in, saying that they have already reached the requisite number of 33,456 qualified signatures to place J.A.I.L. on the November 7, 2022 ballot for South Dakota.
This means we have an open Run for Victory in 2006. It is no longer speculative, but a REALITY.  All media sources can now officially report on the FACTS of this South Dakota event.
Frankly, we were amazed that so many news sources have already checked in on South Dakota J.A.I.L., even before it became official. Normally, news sources do not deal with speculation, to wit, "crossing the bridge before they come to it." Perhaps the reason they made the exception for J.A.I.L. is because of the prospective impact it would make if it did pass.
Excitement is bound to now go "over the top" similar to a pie-throwing free-for-all, to say the least. BE PREPARED! Beyond the South Dakota State Bar's website, and a number of newspapers in South Dakota, reports on South Dakota J.A.I.L. has already emanated from Texas, California, Oregon, Canada, Iowa, and New York. This list is not necessarily exhaustive. Three state supreme court justices (California, Missouri, Kansas) have already directly (or in the case of Kansas, indirectly) taken shots at South Dakota J.A.I.L. It is almost as if South Dakota J.A.I.L. is becoming an official 
national referendum. One might call it "the stone which was thrown in the ocean has caused a tsunami." 
For years the Founder of J.A.I.L., Ron Branson, has referred to J.A.I.L., like Lexington, as "The Second Shot Heard 'Round the World," speaking publicly that winning this nation for freedom is actually so unbelievably simple; and as one correspondent put it, so simple as to be laughable, to wit, "The Emperor's new clothes." So shall go the doctrine of absolute judicial immunity. In South Dakota the wick has been lit and the explosion is forthcoming.
-Ron Branson-


Chris Nelson

Secretary of State Chris Nelson announced today that the second of two possible constitutional amendment ballot questions generated by citizens� signatures is certified.  Secretary Nelson verified that this petition contains the 33,456 signatures required for ballot certification.  The petition proposes a constitutional amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to add a new section titled Judicial Accountability Initiative Law. The question will be included on the November 2006 general election ballot as Constitutional Amendment E.

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