Subject: *** J.A.I.L. WILL Go Forward ***
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 16:49:28 -0700
To: ""

J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                        October 26, 2005
Bill Stegmeier, the South Dakota JIC, will be going to the Atlanta Rally
 on November 11-14 and will give an update on the South Dakota J.A.I.L. Campaign. We are grateful to him and everyone who had a part
in making this Campaign possible!

J.A.I.L. WILL Go Forward!

Following are comments from Nick Testaccio in response to our recent JNJ titled "It's the MEANS of J.A.I.L. That Sets It Apart." Below that is Ron's response followed by Barbie's.  
----- Original Message -----
From: nick testaccio
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:56 AM
Subject: How will people reconcile through JAIL that which they refuse to hold now?

I read your journals, sometimes comment on them and either receive no answer or one that is completely off the mark from what I have said.Yes Jefferson, as many of our Founding Fathers, stated that it was up to us to enforce the Constitution. The majority of the people are ill equipped, or reticent about enforcing it, as they have not the basic understanding of what the Constitution is and represents.
Today the vast majority, including the legal community, believes the Constitution to be a document that defines our rights. That has been accomplished by a reengineering of the education system. The Constitution is, of course, a document that enumerates the limited powers of the government, stating clearly only those areas to which the government may legislate.
Once again I ask you, how will the same people, who refuse to understand their original position, reconcile through JAIL that which they refuse to hold now?  Do you have any understanding of the human dynamic? Do you understand that even when faced with facts, people will not believe that which is contrary to their indoctrination?  Do you understand that even when passed, the JAIL initiative will face the same reengineering from those the majority continually puts back into office? You are still playing the game as your adversary has instructed you.

(response from Ron):
Hello, Nick:
Here is the problem we face here at J.A.I.L., we are receiving so many responses that it is impossible to keep up. Some we have to just delete, others we preserve for possible future response, but often just receive so many new issues to deal with that we can never get to them. This is the negative side of a good thing. So what happens when one is so successful that they cannot deal with their success? This is where we are right now in J.A.I.L.. We have to just pick and choose what matters we can deal with, and the rest send over the dam. Yes, and matters are not getting better, but worse.
You ask, "Once again I ask you, how will the same people, who refuse to understand their original position, reconcile through JAIL that which they refuse to hold now?"  There is a saying, Nick, that no one argues with  success. As the multitudes of people rally to J.A.I.L., I figure that we just will not have time to deal with those naysayers who wish to refute that success. In other words, if the naysayers are drowned out by the noise of success, they become insignificant. We just ignore them and go on. Is there a moon shining during the full light of a hot summer day? What's the relevance? God bless you, Nick.
(from Barbie):
Nick, let me add my two cents to what Ron already said. We understand that there will always be those "who refuse to understand their original position, [will not be able to] reconcile through JAIL that which they refuse to hold now."  There will always be those who just plain refuse to accept J.A.I.L. as a credible means of the People protecting their rights from a despotic power-- but my question is, "Is there anything better offered for the People" to break through the tyranny we are living under?  If you have a better idea, let's hear it! Do you know of anything that would replace J.A.I.L.?
It's time people stop complaining and do something about the problem. Now that we have a solution ready to be passed into law, there are still people like you who insist on complaining --that the solution won't work! It's not enough to keep complaining about the problem-- complain about the proposed solution as well!
J.A.I.L. is going forward, despite the naysayers, because if we waited until all the complainers were satisfied, J.A.I.L. would NEVER become a reality. After your question is answered, whether the answer is accepted is another question. There'll always be yet more questions. Let's get the darn thing PASSED!  Then we can deal with questions like yours. Right now is not the time to keep hindering the process of going forward with J.A.I.L.  This is such a vital measure to save this country from annihilation that we can't afford to ask so many question NOW. Look at what just happened to Irwin Schiff due to the tyrannical courts!  Are you going to keep asking all these questions instead of doing everything you can to see that J.A.I.L. is passed? Just maybe the People can prevent more "Irwin Schiffs" from going down the tubes! (This means on any issue-- not necessarily the tax issue. Anyone who fails to get due process of law, regardless of the issue of the case, can bring the matter to J.A.I.L.) Don't you see how critical it is? If you don't understand every jot and tittle about J.A.I.L., don't allow that to stifle this effort. GO FORWARD anyway, at least for now. A lot of questions will be settled once J.A.I.L. is passed. Most questions will be irrelevant anyway!
Also, we understand that the vast majority of people don't understand squat about the Constitution. That doesn't mean that those that DO understand have to put everything on "hold" because of those who don't-- and probably never will. Constitutional victory will not come by the majority, but by a minority who will stand up for the People, including those who "don't understand."  We want to pass J.A.I.L. for their sakes-- whether they "understand" or not. Otherwise they're going to hell in a handbasket, and those of us who do understand don't want that to happen to them-- or to us!
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
Your closing paragraph states: Do you understand that even when passed, the JAIL initiative will face the same reengineering from those the majority continually puts back into office? You are still playing the game as your adversary has instructed you.
Nick, first of all, J.A.I.L. is a People's measure. The People are in charge-- not anyone that is "put back into office" or in office whatsoever. That's the problem we've had-- the People have NOT been in charge as they should have been. J.A.I.L. is going to change that. To the contrary Nick, our "adversary" has not instructed Ron to create the J.A.I.L. Amendment, to lead it nationally, and to get it passed into law. Ron has been instructed by the Supreme Adversary of the "adversary."  
[email protected]

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" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."                         -- Henry David Thoreau    <><

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