Subject: J.A.I.L. Is More Than A Step-- It Is The Destination!
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J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                           March 21, 2005
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J.A.I.L. is More Than A Step--
It Is The Destination!
From: Maverick
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: "Losing Our Delusions"

Dear Barbie,
Not enforceable?  I beg to differ.  Our forefathers gave us a 1st and 2nd amendment for just this purpose.  The problem is not an enforceable Constitution.  The problem is the cowardly and greedy American people who do not have the guts to stand up to the tyrannous government.  Their excuse is not to rock the boat or The government is going to do what they want any way and I have a family to support.  (Thank God George Washington didn't think this way).  They have lined their pockets and are lazy and comfortable in their everyday drone life as this tyrannous government takes away more and more freedoms.  We have the best form of government in the world under our Constitution but the "liberals" (socialists and communists), yes both republican and democrat have been infiltrating our political offices and our judicial offices and our colleges for years now and have become a source of power in this country that is destroying America. 
Why is there a two party system in this country.  Because it keeps us fighting each other instead of keeping our eye on what the slime-balls in Washington are really doing. The American people have evolved through an education system in this country that programs instead of teaches. We have evolved into this whiney society that expects the government to support us in every step of our lives.  We have become an I want it now society and if we do not have the money we borrow it from greedy bankers that are sucking the life out of the Country.  If we cannot borrow it we expect it from the government. 
I believe J.A.I.L. is a step in the right direction but we need all the American people helping us get the word out.  I canvas the streets handing out copies of the initiatives.  I email them to my representatives.  I constantly call them on the phone so that they cannot just ignore me.  I speak to what the government calls minorities in this country.  They scream the loudest about their people being arrested and put into jail just because they are a certain color or nationality.  These are the people we need to convince not because of their minority or race but because their organizations have the power through political correctness at this time in the history of this country.  Wake up Americans and lets take back our country.  Thank you Barbie for taking time to read this.  Hope you put this up for everyone to read.
Without Prejudice UCC 1-207

Response from Barbie, J.A.I.L.
Dear Patrick:
The Constitution is not enforceable unless there is included in it a separate and independent Article specifying ENFORCEMENT BY THE PEOPLE. That is not part of the provisions, including the Amendments, addressed to the jurisdiction of government to obey, but is an entirely separate jurisdiction-- that of the People who have the ultimate responsibility to see to it that all provisions, including the Amendments (such as the First and Second), ARE OBEYED BY GOVERNMENT.
The Constitution was established on behalf of the People, and is addressed TO our public servants (government), instructing them HOW they are to protect the People's rights and guarantee that they will not be infringed. It is important to recognize that we're dealing with two separate interests: (1) that of the People in wanting their rights protected, and (2) that of the government in performing that protection of the People's rights.
A major distinction between the two is that ONLY the People have rights--  government DOES NOT have rights. To keep this fact clear, we must address the subject of "rights" as basic, natural, inherent rights. When we get into the field of delegated authority such as what the People delegate to government to carry out its sole responsibility of protecting the People's rights, and refer to that authority as government "rights," (the "right" of government to do this or that), the term gets murky, and before we know it, the government's "rights" so-called, start to overtake the People's genuine rights which conflicts with the Laws of Nature.
The Constitution as it is written addresses only government jurisdiction-- what government can and cannot do for the sole purpose of protecting the unalienable rights of the People. To make the Constitution enforceable, it must also address the "other side" --i.e., the People's jurisdiction of monitoring the proper function of government in fulfilling its purpose of protecting the People's rights, by spelling out specifically the process by which the People can effectively hold government in check. That process has to be included so that the People can protect their interests against the risk of government getting out of control. You see, it is the People who must control government-- NOT government controlling the People.  What do we see today??  --exactly what should not have been allowed to happen had the People provided the specific means for their enforcement of the Constitution at the time it was written.
As a result of all these years living under the rule of a controlling government, it has been accepted as the "norm" by a brainwashed People through the media and government schools indoctrinating them. Unfortunately, the situation has to become absurd enough until the People can't MOVE without government approval!  Folks-- we have practically reached that point, but has the brainwashing and indoctrination of the People, producing mind-control of the People, made it literally impossible for them to wake up to reality?? Remember, this has been going on for generations. How much time will it take to UNDO all the damage that has been done to People's thinking?
Patrick's remarks above is a good example of what we're still facing as a People. He states: I believe J.A.I.L. is a step in the right direction but we need all the American people helping us get the word out. If the People still regard J.A.I.L. as only "a step in the right direction," then we have not awakened yet to reality. We are saying that the Constitution must be enforced by the People, and J.A.I.L. is the ONLY way it can be done. The de facto government has usurped its power, taking over control of the People, fast approaching disastrous dimensions, and YET, Patrick opens his remarks by saying: Not enforceable?  I beg to differ.  Our forefathers gave us a 1st and 2nd amendment for just this purpose.  The problem is not an enforceable Constitution.  The problem is the cowardly and greedy American people who do not have the guts to stand up to the tyrannous government. 
People! People!  The ONLY way "to stand up to the tyrannous government" is by the passage of J.A.I.L. No part of the Constitution, including all of its Amendments-- First, Second, etc. -- is enforceable by the People. Government can, and DOES, ignore the Constitution at will, because the judiciary which was designed to be the guardian of individuals' rights, has deliberately disregarded that fiducial responsibility to the People, thus allowing all of government to continue its usurpation of power and destroying our freedom and liberty. The judiciary is the spigot through which ALL government corruption flows, and the People must clean it out with the solvent called "J.A.I.L."
Patrick, the First and Second Amendments are good in theory, but meaningless in practice! As you say: We have the best form of government in the world under our Constitution but that's all we have-- the "best FORM" of government. The People need more than FORM--  WE NEED SUBSTANCE which is enforceability by the People
J.A.I.L. is not just "a step in the right direction" -- it is the final destination for the People, and the ONLY destination if the People are going to have any hope of being able to exercise the rights with which they were endowed by their Creator!
[email protected]

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