J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                       November 9, 2005
A Judicial Hurricane
Has Hit Kansas
By Bill Shipley, Kansas JIC [email protected]
As you know, I have been promoting the grassroots campaign called JAIL4Judges.  The following are prime reasons why you should all support JAIL (Judicial Accountability and Integrity Legislation!
This arrogance [see below] and corrupt action by the Kansas court is not unusual.  What about this is corrupt?  The violation of law prohibiting any judge in any court to re-write law.  Regardless of what the judges say about their responsibility, their job is NOT to "INTERPRET" law; it is to evaluate how the law impacts the fact pattern of the case in front of them.  ....
This goes on daily - especially in the Federal judiciary.  They truly believe they are above the law if their action can be used as a guide. 
I have personal knowledge - by experience - that these judges will absolutely refuse to address the law if it would prove to be detrimental to the so-called govermnment and its interests.  In other cases the judiciary refuses to provide lawful courts for citizens of the 50 states united, and then rules against them because the court they themselves provided has no jurisdiction! This is violation of Constitutional law and deserves impeachment!!
Our founding fathers warned us against allowing the judiciary to run roughshod over the people.  We have failed them and their warning.
[This is because they didn't provide an enforcement provision for the People in the Constitution. J.A.I.L. is now that provision - Barbie J4J]
Yes, this instance is a Kansas state problem, but if you don't think it can't (and won't and isn't) happen(ing) in your state - I have a bridge to sell you!
Wherever you live, please join forces with we, the people, in all 50 states (and a few foreign countries) to regain conrol of our judiciary. E-mail me & I will refer it to the JAILer-in-Chief in your state and you will be supplied with information on how to become a part of the solutution and not remaining a part of the problem! 
If we do not, the judiciary will become our persecutors!
Accountability and integrity!  An idea whose time has come!
Bill Shipley
Kansas JAILer-In-Chief
[email protected]

Senator Tim Huelskamp

November 4, 2022


Dear Friend,Senator Tim Huelskamp

November 4, 2022



Dear Friend,


A judicial hurricane has hit Kansas. And it is about to unleash a torrent of massive spending increases and tax hikes for you and me.


As you may know, earlier this year seven un-elected judges on the Kansas Supreme Court attempted an unprecedented take-over of every grade school and high school in Kansas. 


A marathon constitutional battle ensued. I had hoped we would win.


But sadly, in the end, a majority of the Kansas Legislature - led by Governor Sebelius -- capitulated to the Courts and turned over the keys to the tax treasury to these unelected, appointed lawyers . . . and gave them more money than they even demanded!!


But this was just the down-payment.


These activist judges and liberal trial lawyers are coming back for more -- they are now demanding a $563 MILLION spending increase in January. If you think taxes are too high now, just wait!! 

We can not permit these seven un-elected judges to take control of our schools and our wallets. 


We must have a Constitutional Amendment to make it absolutely, crystal clear that the power to spend your hard-earned tax money is not within the greedy hands of these activist Courts.


Instead, the power to tax and spend belongs within the hands of elected - not appointed - representatives of the People. 


Whether they want it or not, the Legislature should make the decision to spend your money -- not some liberal judges. And then these Legislators -- including myself -- should be prepared to defend our decisions to you at the next election. It is the American way.


We are circulating a Petition to encourage the Kansas Legislature to do the right thing - place a constitutional amendment on the ballot and KEEP THE JUDICIARY OUT OF MY WALLET


Please log onto the following web site to join our efforts to defend our Constitution:  http://www.huelskamp.org/petition.html


It calls upon the Legislature to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot for our consideration - let us have a voice on these issues, not just un-elected, appointed Judges.


Friends, we can not stand idly by and let the Courts make a mockery of our Constitution.  Please log on as soon as possible and sign our Amendment Petition.


Thank for your time and attention.  More importantly, thank you for your love of our great state and your willingness to share the responsibility for protecting our great constitutional traditions.




Senator Tim Huelskamp



P.S.  And please forward this invitation to family members, friends and fellow Patriots.  In order to encourage serious consideration of this Amendment, we must collect hundreds upon hundreds of signatures - as soon as possible!


P.S.S.  The Kansas Supreme Court has been emboldened by the lack of concern over their outrageous actions on budget issues. They are now rewriting entire sections of Kansas criminal law - without public oversight or scrutiny.  We can not let this continue!




P.S.  And please forward this invitation to family members, friends and fellow Patriots.  In order to encourage serious consideration of this Amendment, we must collect hundreds upon hundreds of signatures - as soon as possible!


P.S.S.  The Kansas Supreme Court has been emboldened by the lack of concern over their outrageous actions on budget issues. They are now rewriting entire sections of Kansas criminal law - without public oversight or scrutiny.  We can not let this continue!




"The constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law."
~ Thomas Jefferson, letter

J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - www.jail4judges.org
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JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!
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"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."                         -- Henry David Thoreau    <><

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