December 7, 2022



I. The Rule of Law

II. Independence of the Judiciary

III. Dissent of Justices

IV. Overloading the Courts with Social and Economic Issues

V. Advocacy of the "New World Order" and "One World Government"

Conclusions and Recommendations

Webmaster's note: The exhibits below are not included.

Exhibit A: Senator John Ashcroft, "On Judicial Despotism"

Exhibit B: Letters to the Commission on Judicial Performance and the Orange County District Attorney

Exhibit C: Cartoon of the court system by Philip A. Putman

Exhibit D: Judicial Accountability Initiative Law Petition

Exhibit E: Putman vs. Monarch, complaint for RICO and Civil Rights, U.S. District Court

Exhibit F: "America Your Too Young to Die/Character Counts", David Moore,1992/1993

Exhibit G: "The Law", Frederick Bastiet, 1850 (audio tape)

Exhibit H: Outline of Rabbi Daniel Lapin, "American's Real War" 1999, Multnomah


Have we become a kakistocracy?


As I watched the rebroadcast (Nov. 27, 1999 C-Span) of the Stanford broadcast of the October 16, 2022 Convocation On Law, US Supreme Court in Global Perspective, starring Justices Kennedy, O'Connor and Breyer and the Dean of Stanford, Kathleen Sullivan, I concluded that either this effete elite gathering is in a dream world on a different planet or they are deluding themselves and the public. This mutual admiration gathering had so little informative and social impact as to have constituted a waste of air time.

The major points seemed to be that

1. The 'rule of law' is the foundation of our system;

2. The independence of the judiciary is critical;

3. The process of dissent is crucial to justice;

4. There is a danger in overloading the court with economic and social issues - to decline and select cases is necessary;

5. There was an implicit inference of an advocacy of the "new world order" and "one world government."

This was interspersed with a few reality comments of how expensive, lengthy, unsure and sometimes unfair the process is.

This critical open letter is intended to address some of the REAL issues of the problems of this judicial system that were not addressed by the "Convocation." (1)

My qualifications to be critical of the judiciary and its processes (in addition to exercising my 1st amendment rights) are:

4 years of honorable service in the 1950s in the USAF overseas;

4 degrees: Engineering, Economics, MS in Management, JD Law;

Life teaching credentials;

Real Estate broker (1978);

Married 42 years (2 children, 2 grandchildren), a committed Christian,

In practice of law 28 years mainly suing crooked and incompetent lawyers;

Son is a CPA and Eagle Scout;

Admitted U.S. Supreme Court 1976;

Judge Pro Tem Orange County;

Extensive community service including Huntington Beach Economic Council.

I was nearly nauseated by Justice Kennedy's pandering comments to the ABA earlier this year when he solicited the support of the ABA because the judiciary "has no inherent power." The REALITY is the judiciary has excessive and tyrannical power because it is unfettered and UNACCOUNTABLE to anyone - save GOD. (2)

Thomas Jefferson hit the nail on the head when he wrote concerning the judiciary. In 1789, Thomas Jefferson warned that the judiciary, if given too much power might ruin our REPUBLIC and destroy our RIGHTS!

"The new Constitution has secured these (individual rights) in the Executive and Legislative departments: but not in the Judiciary. It should have established trials by the people themselves, that is to say, by jury."

"The Judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric." (1820)

"...[T]he Federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow), working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states, and the government of all be consolidated into one. ...[W]hen all little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." (1821)

"The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the legislative and executive also in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch. ...[J]udges should be withdrawn from the bench whose erroneous

biases are leading us to dissolution. It may, indeed, injure them in fame or fortune; but it saves the Republic..."

The judiciary has indeed fulfilled his dire predictions. They have created rules to protect their own interests such as "lifetime" appointments (the Constitution says they shall hold their offices "during good behavior" which implies some form of accountability - there is none) and the concept of "immunity" which is little more than a shield against incompetence and criminality.

The track record of the Court in these five areas is abysmal.


Measuring the Court's performance against the absolute rule of law for over 3000 years - the Ten Commandments - it is a total failure. God had been removed from nearly everything the court has touched in its fervor to secularize this nation. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION! I have enclosed some material by David Moore - America You're Too Young to Die (1992), and Frederick Bastiat - The Law (1850), on the off-chance you might not be aware of its existence. You have sought to nullify the first FOUR COMMANDMENTS. The results in the past 50 years have been devastating on our society. This nation has become a "me, now" culture (3) replete with violence, NO respect for the law or the courts and little concern for moral values and all because of your attempted secularization of society.

FIFTH COMMANDMENT - Honor your parents that you may live long in this land (the only Commandment coupled with a promise of God).

You have all but destroyed this by diluting parental authority with the ACLU and United Nations agenda of "children's rights" and the "state's interests" in draconian child welfare agencies who steal children and adopt them out over the protests of the natural parents - a Hitlerian concept.

SIXTH COMMANDMENT - Thou shall not murder.

This has been shattered by legalizing abortion - the murder of the unborn and "partially born" (where they suck out the brain AFTER the baby is born). Soon to follow will be euthanasia.

SEVENTH COMMANDMENT - Do not commit adultery.

This commandment has been decimated by the courts by condoning wholesale "no fault" divorce, live-in concubines, homosexual marriages (an abomination in the Bible - Lev 18:22, 1Kng 14:24, Rom 1:24-27), rampant pornography, etc.

Results: the destruction of the family unit, the loss of moral values nationally, increase in rape, increase in AIDS., etc.


Theft goes unpunished unless it is insured and then the big insurance companies force the police to move. I personally had four major thefts and reported the known perpetrators to the police. They never even talked to the crooks, let alone prosecute them. But the worst thief of all is the government with repressive taxes, confiscation laws, and seizure procedures with NO DUE PROCESS! It is all "form over substance" now, thanks to the courts.

NINTH COMMANDMENT - Do not bear false witness.

Lying has become a way of life now that perjury is so well practiced from the president on down to the lowest echelon and seldom prosecuted. (4)

A lying, dishonest nation of people can only lead to destruction of the nation from within - the way all great nations have fallen.


This is the most encouraged breach of the law by the courts, and what leads to breaking all the rest of the commandments (the law). It is pure GREED and lust for power and wealth. Not only do the courts condone it, they encourage it.

The highest court of this land gets an "F" on following and enforcing the law. You have thrown out the greatest law - the Ten Commandments - and have exchanged them for the most statutory laws of any other nation, the most lawyers and litigation of any other nation and the most prison inmates of any other nation. And the great hypocrisy of it all is that the Ten Commandments hang above your bench protected by the eagle.

Now on to the Constitution. How has this high court protected our hard-won rights,

GUARANTEED by the Bill of Rights? Again, an abysmal failure!

FIRST AMENDMENT - Freedom of Religion.

You have created and erected a so-called "wall of separation of church and state." You have attempted to secularize society to the point of becoming a Godless nation with horrific results - the destruction of morality in our society. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION and as a congressional study found earlier, "If the people during the Revolution had any suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity that revolution would have been strangled in its cradle." (5)

Freedom of the Press.

The news media has been so consolidated in moneyed ownership that it is hardly independent or unbiased. And the ACLU has cowered this high court into protecting the most vile of pornography and salacious, scandalous graphics and literature while suppressing Christian ethical publications. Why? Why? WHY?

Freedom of Assembly.

The cops can shut down home Bible studies and permits are required with a FEE (tax) for the "privilege" of exercising the fundamental, Constitutional, God given right to conduct religious services in the home, to rally and protest and to hold political meetings. These are RIGHTS not privileges.

SECOND AMENDMENT - Right to bear arms.

It is obvious the government wants to disarm this nation just as Hitler did in Germany, so the 'new world order' can take over. Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying,

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." (6)

Our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they knew that this nation is to be surrendered to "one world government" without a whimper.

The misfeasance in office of this high court is treasonous and is bringing this nation to ruination very quickly. Where do the people go when their own government is oppressing them with the aid and support of the highest court?! They go to GOD just as our forefathers did in daily prayer. We Christians are praying without ceasing for our government that it will be brought BACK to the Judeo-Christian values of yore and depart from kakistocratic propensities.

You have failed miserably in point one: the rule of law that you profess to esteem so highly and would espouse for the rest of the global judiciaries of the world. But as Martin Luther said, "Preach the gospel always, and if necessary use words." In other words, "actions speak louder than words." How can other nations respect the rule of law when this high court flagrantly ignores and abuses it?!


This attribute of the American judicial system is a critical element of "natural justice" (as Judge Bork stated so well). If only we had it! Judges daily sell their souls to protect corrupt and even criminal activity of governmental agents and agencies and to uphold "bought" legislation, and to overturn the will of the people, particularly when it involves an ACLU agenda like their vicious attacks on Christianity - THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION - or the right to suck the brains out of live babies. Justice Stevens stayed (7) the enforcement of Wisconsin and Nebraska laws outlawing "late term abortions" - partial birth abortions - thus overturning states' rights and the will of the people so the abortionists can get rich from the immorality this high court has fostered by attempting to remove God from society by encouraging immoral sex. No judge will ever find in favor of a case brought against another judge or corrupt officials if it is going to affect the judge's pocketbook unless the media or the FBI (or some such policing agency) champions the cause. This Court's (and all judges') idea of "independence" is immunity from prosecution and suits for their corrupt acts, and lifetime appointments WITHOUT any accountability. You get an "F" on this one too.


Every once in a while a few justices register a dissent (which sometimes later becomes the rule of law) but it is so few and far between as to hardly make a ripple in the pond of natural justice. (8)

While there are marginal votes in the minority, more dissenting opinions should be written.

There was a brief mention of "political dialogue to sustain judicial confidence" and an even briefer allusion to "the burden of judicial conscience." There was also mention that justice "does not depend of the word of the Constitution" by Justice Breyer. But how about the dissent of the people when laws are unfair? How do we register our dissent? This can only be done by JURY NULLIFICATION. But that common law right has been buried by the judges and you - the highest court of the land. You think you are and want to be the "conscience of the people." Well, you are not the conscience of the people - we are not mindless robots.

Eventually, we will find a way to bring the judiciary into accountability - hopefully before you totally destroy this nation and its Christian heritage. You get an "F" on this one too.


You made a point that this court has "discretion" to decide what it will hear and what it won't hear. And this is invariably done without comment or opinion. (9)

And when opinions are rendered, many times they eviscerate the holding by finding key points to be "moot." I was taught in law school (10) over 30 years ago that the courts were to resolve disputes so disputants wouldn't beat each other's brains out in the parking lot. That objective has clearly changed over the years. Now, when the courts make a ruling it propagates even more litigation and disputes, and it is clear that this phenomenon is the result of faulty thinking in the opinions and holdings and refusal to see the total ramifications of the holding. Your solution is ADR and administrative courts. ADR under current procedures is totally unworkable because it has become a "retirement center" for ex-judges (11) and is outrageously expensive. Administrative courts are notoriously prejudiced and biased toward and for the agency - because that is where their paycheck comes from. Justice Breyer commented on the "crowded, expensive, complex, lengthy, uncertain rules of litigation in our system" thus stating the obvious. The judicial process is so totally out of control, because there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY, that it is grinding to a halt in rendering justice and is grinding out the cases by dismissing meritorious cases, disenfranchising the poor, and favoring the moneyed classes. I am reminded of Isiah 10:1,2 "woe to those who enact evil statutes and to those who constantly record unjust decisious so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of my people of their rights�"(NAS)

The wastefulness of the legal system in America is crushing! Millions of people-hours are squandered daily (juries, parties, witnesses, attorneys, etc.) just "hanging around" waiting for something to happen because the judicial system is hell-bent on doing it the "same old way." One judge in Orange County was using the fax to send rulings and such to parties. His fax was taken away from him and now there is just one fax for court use. How stupid! Telephone appearances are permitted if you PAY FOR IT. They charge for everything and render nothing. Surely this highest court could coordinate with congress to establish some disciplinary rules, measures of ACCOUNTABILITY, peremptory recusal, efficiency using electronics, etc. If you don't do something to reform and make efficient the judiciary, then the people will find a way through the ballot box and you probably will not be happy with those results.

Undoubtedly the worst "tool" implemented and the worst abused is sanctions. The unfettered use of sanctions has turned the courts into paperwork nightmares with disgusting results, running the cost of litigation through the roof, creating monumental antagonism between counsel and turning the courtroom into a battle ground. No judge should ever determine sanctions in a case he presides over. One local court reserves one independent department to hear sanctions motions. This seems to work well and has substantially reduced the number of motions. Judicial processes must become modernized and more efficient or justice will remain "just us judges feeding at the government trough." We are fed up with judges who spew their insulting, vituperative, maligning venom from their mouth with impunity. But let there be one word of defense and these out of control jerks will hold you in contempt! That is American justice (or lack thereof). You get an "F" on this one too!


The most chilling disclosure of the Convocation was the clear and foreboding attitude of enthusiasm for the concepts of the "New World Order" and "One World Government." While Justice O'Connor paid lip service to the idea that the Supreme Court's role is to "protect the people from the power of the state" it is totally unclear to which "state" or states she alluded and just how this Court and by which powers the Court can "protect" us, especially in light of Justice Kennedy's pronouncement to the ABA that this Court "has no inherent power." Justice O'Connor's statement that justice is "just us" is unclear: is it just "us - WE THE PEOPLE?" or is it just "us - the elitist judges and justices of this nation?" And her representation of protecting the people rings hollow in my ears when you - the highest court of the land have done more to destroy and limit our freedoms while destroying the moral fiber of society. No thanks! We don't want your socialistic charity, we don't want your big brother protectionism. And we especially don't want your "conscience" - we have our own conscience - WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION - and you will NEVER destroy that fact!

The constant reference to "globalization" and the "World Court" coupled with the reality of the UN on our shores in control of parks, military installations, etc. is and should be a frightening prospect for any freedom-loving American.

In 1963, former Chief Justice Earl Warren gave a speech in Santa Barbara before a group of law students and broached the subject of the internationalization of law by the United Nations, saying outright that there was going to be a "new world order." Perhaps his 33� membership in the Scottish Rite Freemasons kept him apprised of such matters.

WE THE PEOPLE simply will NOT surrender what little freedom we have left to the usurpations of this government or any foreign or "world" government!


This critical epistle is not intended to be insulting particularly, but states my perception of the "show" and proper inferences drawn and the factual history of the conduct of this high court. My objective in taking the rather extensive amount of time to compose this critique is manifold:

  1. To unequivocally proclaim that freedom is still precious to us.
  2. To sound the alarm that the judicial "system" is out of control and incapable of rendering anything even akin to justice particularly as long as there is no accountability by the judicial branch.
  3. To admonish that the patience of the American people is wearing thin and that kakistocratic conduct must come to an end.
  4. To assert that there must be reform in the procedures at the trial level and at the appeal level to break the gridlock in the courts. No dispute should take from two to ten years to resolve.
  5. There needs to be an "in terrorem clause" for every judge and justice that they are not above the law (as they presently believe they are and abuse their power accordingly).
  6. To reinforce the truth - THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION!

My impetus to write this critique arises from my own personal circumstances where a conspiracy of judges locally are trying to drive me from the practice of law. And I am not a singular example nor am I "a voice in the wilderness." There is a plethora of examples of innocent people whose lives, honor, reputation and wealth have been absolutely disseminated and destroyed by out of control judges. It is a game to them. And it must come to an end.

When a judge or conspiracy of judges set out to destroy good citizens and protect evil criminal parties and lawyers with the abuse of power it spells the end of freedom and democracy and the end of this nation.

In my case the concepts of truth and justice were buried and perjury and false evidence (Ninth Commandment) were exalted by a corrupt judge (Monarch) and a corrupt lawyer (Khiterer) to produce a result that was not so much a miscarriage of justice but a corruption of the judicial process. This entire judicial conspiracy that I have been subjected to by these out of control judges reminds me of the story of Joseph where he says at Gen 50:20, "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good." I have enclosed documentation of this outrage in the slim hope you might just give a damn how out of control and damaging the judiciary is to our society.

We only have a few methods of attempting to reign in the despotic nature of the courts: 1) the ballot box;

2) the CJP, an impotent and worthless appendage;

3) the district attorney and attorneys general - but they are political hacks mostly trying to attain the level of judgeship for a nice cushy position;

4) the initiative - at the state level; (12)

5) the Grand Jury - but judges lie to them and tell them that they cannot investigate the courts and accuse/indict judges;

6) the internet to unite the cause; (13)

7) the RICO action which will become more widely used.

I have attached my RICO action against ten local judges who sought to destroy me. The prognosis of my RICO case against these ten corrupt judges is that a lot of the people's money and government lawyers will be thrown against me to protect these corrupt judges and that eventually the federal judge assigned to my case will use whatever procedural excuses available to prevent this case going to trial (and crush me in the process) (14) but there are 100,000,000 more citizens of my mind who are willing to take my place after the courts "kill" me. I have seen the devastation judges can level against good honest citizens with total impunity.

Judges are so frightened of the people they harm that they protect themselves with "brownshirts" (marshals), carry firearms, squander millions of dollars daily with metal detectors, etc. Let us REFORM the system and restore respect and confidence to the courts.

But I am a survivor and do love my country enough that I am willing to fight evil at the risk of death. (15) I cannot in good conscience retire and lay back while my children and grandchildren are subjected to judicial tyranny.

When the tyranny of our government exceeds the patience of the people to endure their oppressive nazi tactics to control the minds and wills of WE THE PEOPLE, (and we are quickly approaching that) I believe there will be a bloody revolution, the likes of which this world has never seen! And I believe the military and paramilitary will turn against their civilian "leadership" to return this despotic regime to the people. You have the power and influence to reform the system. For God's sake do it. Quit destroying the fabric of the nation and CHRISTIAN society. I, like all other true patriots cleave to the commitment of Patrick Henry:

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"


Respectfully Submitted, ___________________________


  1. Assembly of Stanford graduates like homecoming from a football game.
  2. See "On Judicial Despotism" by Senator John Ashcroft, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
  3. As Rabbi Daniel Lapin says in his book America's Real War (1999, ISBN 1-57673-366-1.)
  4. My own case by letters to CJP and to OCDA is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
  5. House Judiciary Committee Report, March 27, 1854.
  6. Comment made in an address to the Bilderberg organization meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.
  7. Decision made on December 1, 1999.
  8. God given rights - like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - not the law of men.
  9. This is a favorite trick of the justices both state and federal so no one can figure out what they did that displeased the "black-robed high priests" of the appeals courts.
  10. Pepperdine University, 1968-71.
  11. See my cartoon of the court system attached hereto as Exhibit C.
  12. Attached as Exhibit D is the current JAIL4JUDGES initiative which will be on the next ballot.
  13. This epistle will be widely distributed throughout the world and can be viewed on the internet at E-mails of like horror stories can be delivered to [email protected].
  14. There are many thousands of examples of this scenario.
  15. I expect an attempt on my life by this judicial conspiracy mob.

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